Monday, December 05, 2005

Mobil-Quix fuel "discount" rip-off

Here's something I thought worth posting. Anyone who's considered using that Quix (Mobil) petrol "discount" offer, don't! It's a rip-off. You can't win.

For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, they have an offer where if you spend $5 in store, they give you 4c/Litre off fuel. The first catch is, to make up that $5, you'd have to buy 125 Litres of petrol (more than even a Falcon or Commodore fuel tank).

$5.00 = 500c
500c / 4c/L = 125L

The second catch is, the fine print says the offer is limited to 100L of fuel! That means that as a best case, you lose $1.

RIP OFF!!!! Boycott the offer!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Just so there's something new here, guess what? A couple of days ago I got a laptop through work. It's just a hand-me-down, but hey, a laptop's a laptop right? Although if I had a dollar for every time I've had to reboot it while setting it up, I could just about retire.